Three Ways Technology is Helping Marketers

Jun 11, 2013

From Deadlines to bottom-lines, I put my marketing department under constant pressure to show ROI. This means every project and every process must be evaluated and prioritized based on the resources available and the return it will generate. In short, you need to get the most out of your team at all times. Basically, success comes down to productivity.

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Tags: creative production management, workflow, marketing budget, process automation, collaboration, marketing technology, marketing productivity, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

How to Partner with Distributors on Up-sell and Cross-Sell Campaigns

May 10, 2013

Whether you are in the financial services, insurance or manufacturing (e.g. building products) verticals, planning joint campaigns with your distributed sales channels is a great way to generate new up-sell and cross-sell business. Because they already know and likely trust your business, existing customers are a prime audience for additional sales, but they may not be properly informed about the full scope of products or services in your portfolio. You may expect that your distributors are taking initiative to nurture up-sell and cross-sell business from their current customers, but they may need a little push. However, if you provide direction and make it easy for distributors to participate, you can both profit. Here’s how:

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Tags: Marketing Programs, insurance, marketing campaign, Distributed Sales Model, Building Products, MRM, marketing resource management, local marketing automation, financial services marketing, sales and marketing alignment

Engaging Employees as Brand Ambassadors

Apr 18, 2013

The proliferation of information has empowered consumers like never before. There are all kinds of third-party resources at their fingertips for them to get the skinny on brands, products and services, and more ways than ever before for them to share their own experiences and opinions about those same brands, products and services as well. The scary thing about this for marketers and CEOs isn’t that so much information as out there, it’s that this information is unregulated and unfiltered. They feel they’ve lost control of their message, and to a point, they have. But the real issue managers and leaders should be concerned with isn’t control- it’s communication.

Consumers no longer have to go on your word as a business, but that doesn’t render your word meaningless. According to the Edelman 2013 Trust Barometer, the way businesses need to communicate their message has changed greatly. Influence no longer takes place as a fixed monologue dictated by the few with goal of control. Instead, it’s flexible dialogue co-created by many that is all about empowerment.

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Tags: branding, trust, messaging, brand advocacy, employee engagement, MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management

How to Make the Transition to Digital Marketing

Apr 16, 2013

Change can be scary, both in life and in business. To change often requires hard work and commitment, and most of the time the outcome or results of those efforts are uncertain. In business, technology is constantly driving change. While some industries are quick to embrace that change, others are slow to adapt.

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Tags: digital marketing, big data, manufacturing marketing, online marketing, brand management, traditional marketing, campaign management, insurance, direct mail marketing, MRM, social media, marketing technology, marketing resource management, financial services marketing

5 Things That Erode Brand Value (And How to Stop Them)

Apr 11, 2013

Think like a human, not like a company

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Tags: branding, silos, messaging, organizational leadership, brand image, marketing, communication, customer relations, MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management

Three Ways to Bridge the Digital Talent Gap

Mar 07, 2013

As we discussed in a previous post about the emergence of the Chief Digital Officer, there is a growing gap in what marketing, advertising and PR professionals have been trained to do and what they are ideally expected to do in their roles. New technologies demand new skills, and as businesses learn to harness those technologies in different functional areas, the job descriptions of marketers are evolving past traditional notions.

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Tags: digital marketing, ROI, talent gap, data analysis, chief digital officer, advertising technology, MRM, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

The Chief Digital Officer: Marketing Leadership for a New Age?

Feb 21, 2013

Part of any marketer’s role (and any executive’s role, really) is to identify emerging industry trends and separate those with real staying power from the mere flavors of the week. This is particularly difficult when it comes to tracking emerging digital resources. For example, while experience would suggest Twitter is the second-most utilized social networking tool, a new report states that Google+ has actually overtaken Twitter in percent of market-share and active users.

While social media is just one example, the point is that while these individual trends can be tough to predict, one thing is clear: digital marketing mediums are not just here to stay; they are ever-expanding. And their growing prevalence means new challenges that stretch well beyond the confines of the marketing department.

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Tags: digital marketing, CDO, IT, MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management

The Chief Digital Officer: Marketing Leadership for a New Age?

Feb 21, 2013

Part of any marketer’s role (and any executive’s role, really) is to identify emerging industry trends and separate those with real staying power from the mere flavors of the week. This is particularly difficult when it comes to tracking emerging digital resources. For example, while experience would suggest Twitter is the second-most utilized social networking tool, a new report states that Google+ has actually overtaken Twitter in percent of market-share and active users.

While social media is just one example, the point is that while these individual trends can be tough to predict, one thing is clear: digital marketing mediums are not just here to stay; they are ever-expanding. And their growing prevalence means new challenges that stretch well beyond the confines of the marketing department.

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Tags: digital marketing, CDO, MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management

How to Personalize at Scale and Boost Engagement

Feb 19, 2013

In today’s era of digital marketing, content is king. But context is key to successfully personalizing messages for your diverse target segments. Communicating effectively in today’s marketing environment demands segment level personalization – but all too often, personalization and scale are seen as competing ends. If personalization seems complex, do not dismay. You can personalize your message at scale, reduce cost inefficiencies and improve conversions in the process. Here are three guidelines:

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Tags: PURLs, Variable Data Printing, VDP, Pesonalization, QR Codes, MRM, marketing resource management

Creative Multichannel Marketing Campaign Ideas for March

Feb 05, 2013

Multichannel marketing campaigns leveraging more than one communications channel – such as direct mailers incorporating QR codes and PURLs – can help to shorten the path from campaign to conversion and generate measureable results. Here are some creative ideas for driving new business, goodwill and conversions through your March campaigns.

Theme: Staying in Touch/Upsell Campaigns
Sample Industries: Financial Services, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance

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Tags: marketing ideas, PURLs, Consumer Package Goods, Entertainment, QR Codes, insurance, marketing campaign, MRM, marketing resource management, Retail, financial services marketing

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