In the past, companies bought, built and maintained IT infrastructures on their own. When Software as a Service (SaaS) came along, it was widely embraced by businesses. Why wouldn’t it be? SaaS allows customers to access technology solutions without even owning the infrastructure itself.
As businesses grow in a predominately digital marketplace, some can’t keep up with rapidly changing technology. This is especially true for marketing departments. They don’t have enough time or in some cases the right staff required to be kept-up-to-date and implement new solutions that can drive revenue and expand their customer base.
What most companies don’t realize is that there is another alternative: Software as a Service 2.0. SaaS 2.0 goes one step beyond other business models and does the bulk of the work for the customer. This is more than just providing technical support. For example, in the case of marketing resource management and email systems, the software host runs software functions on behalf of the client. On an on-going basis, the provider is uploading and maintaining marketing material templates, managing lists, helping with email coding and distribution, and software user management, setting up security permissions, generating complex reports, etc.
There are many benefits of this business model, but here are a few of the most important advantages:
Companies can do what they do best.
The technology solution is developed and supported by the software provider, so companies don’t need to be at the mercy of their IT department if something goes wrong. An on-demand geek squad carries the load so companies can instead streamline their workflow and focus on their business.
It costs less in the long run.
It’s far more cost effective for businesses to rely on their provider than to increase headcount and pay for the training needed to develop or implement a new solution. Plus, having a provider managing it means lower costs for hardware and software over time.
There is less internal risk.
Having a provider deliver, support, and execute a solution mitigates the risk of losing expertise internally. If someone leaves a company or moves to a different department, there is no scramble to find a new technology subject matter expert because the provider is already trained with comprehensive knowledge on the product.
SaaS 2.0 offers simplicity, reliability and security for companies in need of a solution and allows them to have increased output without changing the amount of manpower internally. SaaS 2.0 gives value to companies by not only offering a service that can help them grow, but by giving them the opportunity to focus all their energy on their business and reach their full potential at the same time. This can help businesses transform their workflow and processes — it takes traditional technology and turns it into an on-demand service solution.
Tags: IT, marketing, technology, solutions, alternative, developer, on demand, future, business, marketplace, customer, business model, marketing as a service, digital