Is Your Team Mired in Marketing Minutia?

Oct 28, 2015

Every day, marketers are tasked with more and more responsibilities. We need to think big picture, but at the same time support sales staff spread across the country. Our productivity can take a hit when we stop focusing on innovative projects in order to cross items off our to-do list.

When we get mired in this marketing minutia – the every day tasks that keep us from planning, innovative and creating powerful new campaigns – it’s time to look for ways to streamline activities and improve productivity.

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Tags: marketing productivity, marketing resource management, Vya, financial services marketing, streamline marketing

Generate demand, increase sales by bringing together marketing, sales and production

Oct 08, 2015

It’s no secret that when sales and marketing work together, sales can jump. Add production teams, and these groups can create a well-oiled machine: one that can generate demand, predict need and increase sales. When you’re a manufacturer, that insight is critical to running a smooth operation.

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Tags: manufacturing marketing, sales, marketing, marketing resource management, increase sales, sales and marketing alignment

Simplify your marketing process for more powerful, meaningful results

Sep 24, 2015

Every day, marketing and operations teams face a number of hurdles just to get the right message in front of the right consumer. They need to help local branches and employees customize marketing materials, but still maintain oversight of marketing pieces.

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Tags: marketing resource management, marketing operations, marketing process, Vya, financial services marketing

Stay ahead of the curve with streamlined marketing operations

Sep 10, 2015

We all know that feeling when an executive stops by our office or forwards an email about the latest and greatest marketing technology, trend or tool. I don’t know about you, but it usually stops me in my tracks.

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Tags: marketing resource management, marketing operations, dealers, Vya, franchise, agents

Calm, cool and collected: The importance of relaxing at work

Aug 27, 2015

If you’re reading this at work right now, stop. Take a deep breath. Roll your shoulders back and straighten up in your seat. Now proceed.

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Tags: marketing resource management, Vya, Simplifying, relaxing at work, general

Curious about co-branded campaigns? Here are four factors for success.

Aug 17, 2015

Have you been hearing more about “co-branded” campaigns lately? It’s with good reason. Co-branded marketing campaigns can increase your reach and introduce you to new audiences, and drive brand awareness and sales.

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Tags: manufacturing marketing, insurance, marketing resource management, co-branded, co-branded campaigns

Local marketing - it’s more than just search strategy

Aug 07, 2015

Nailing a search strategy is important for many local marketing campaigns. But it’s not the only element. Even in today’s marketplace, smart relationship-based strategies are still as important—or in some cases, more important—than search alone.

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Tags: localized marketing, marketing resource management, local marketing, search marketing, franchise

The “new” Vya, from the inside out

Jul 29, 2015

There is a lot of energy and excitement flowing around the halls of Vya right now. Our big brand relaunch last week certainly has something do to with that (though we have always been a high-energy group). To me, that’s because our new brand is so true to who we are, have always been and will always be. Vya captures our dedication, determination and focus that our employees live every single day, from the inside out.

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Tags: branding, marketing resource management, local marketing, Vya

Introducing Vya

Jul 21, 2015

Today is an exciting, and emotional, day for me. Today, DocuStar is becoming Vya.

More than 20 years ago, I had a vision for the print industry. I saw the opportunity to provide quality, reliable print jobs quickly to our clients. Since DocuStar opened its doors, our clients came to know us for not just the quality of our work, but also the quality of our people and the care and attention we bring to every single one of our jobs.

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Tags: marketing resource management, marketing operations, Vya, DocuStar

Looking for a MRM partner? Ask these questions first.

Jun 29, 2015

If you’re evaluating marketing resource management (MRM) solutions, you’ll find there are many aspects to consider beyond just features and functionality.

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Tags: marketing resource management, getting started, marketing technology buyers' resources

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