The value of social media use in the workplace has become an important discussion among companies. No one will question the rapid growth of social media and its impact on a company, but many organizations struggle with allowing employees to engage in social media while also protecting against potential risks to corporate reputation.
Tags: risk, facebook, Twitter, marketing, communication, social media, content, companies, employee advocacy, workplace
How to Keep a New Initiative Alive
Jun 06, 2014
Bell Telephone developed the first automatic switchboard in 1910 after projections indicated that by 1925 every adult woman in America would be needed to staff the manual switchboards that were in place. Do you think the new innovative automatic system was an immediate hit with telephone customers and the industry experts? Well, probably not with everyone:
Tags: risk, marketing, resources, the innovator's dilemma, customers, companies, persistence, culture, learning, innovation, organizations, growth, balance, conflict
Four Keys to Organizational Creativity
Apr 25, 2013
In keeping with our innovation theme this week, let’s take a more in-depth look at the driving force behind innovation: creativity.
We live in a world saturated with messaging. It’s this saturation, argues Jez Frampton, CEO of Interbrand, that makes creativity more important than ever before. The market is not necessarily a meritocracy (as much as we like to think it is sometimes); it’s often the case that the product presented most creatively is the one that is heard above the noise. This makes creativity, not product features, one of the most powerful differentiators your company can showcase.
Tags: risk, marketing leadership, creative psychology, corporate culture, creativity, diversity, marketing innovation
Whether it’s trust in the product, trust in the brand, trust in the content or trust in the person making the pitch, trust is the vital element upon which nearly all deals are made. But as statistics show, trust is hard to come by these days. So where do consumer attitudes toward businesses stand, and what can businesses do to change those attitudes?
Trust issues
Tags: branding, internet marketing, risk, trust, rapport, messaging, credibility, marketing campaign, financial services marketing