Marketing Needs to Build Relationships Both Inside and Out

Oct 09, 2012

As consumers have embraced social media in the Digital Age, they are conducting more research online than ever before.The digital environment is rapidly evolving, and navigating it requires the insight and collaboration of multiple departments.

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Tags: branding, MRM, marketing strategy, marketing resource management

How Marketing Resource Management Helps to Streamline Co-op Marketing

Oct 04, 2012

According to iMedia Connection, it is estimated that manufacturers invest $50 to $520 billion dollars in co-op marketing programs annually. In comparison to the estimated total U.S. advertising spend this year of $153 billion, reports iMedia, that translates to a lot of money available for co-op programs, but much of this funding is “left on the table.” According to the article:

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Tags: co-op marketing, manufacturing marketing, marketing process optimization, insurance, Distributed Sales Model, MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management, financial services marketing

How to Build Trust through Personalized Marketing Communications

Aug 23, 2012

Marketing personalization touches everything from the digital media we consume such as our Netflix queues and viewing histories to the transactional business relationships we maintain with financial institutions and cell phone carriers. The level of personalization that can be delivered in marketing communications depends on what you know about your customers and prospects. As marketers in the era of big data, however, it’s critical that we differentiate between personalization that builds consumer trust and the kind that erodes it – all while showing respect for our targets. Here are some guidelines.

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Tags: marketing campaign, MRM, personalization, localized marketing, marketing resource management

How to Change Marketing Technology Vendors

Aug 21, 2012

Last week, we shared 7 signs that could mean your marketing technology vendor isn’t measuring up. If you’re facing any of those challenges you may have decided it’s time to roll up your sleeves and change marketing resource management technology vendors. Here are some guidelines to help ensure a successful transition.

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Tags: marketing technology, personalization, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

7 Signs It May Be Time Change Marketing Technology Vendors

Aug 14, 2012

In our previous blog, The #1 Reason Marketing Technology Implementations Fail, we discussed how marketing service providers can stand in the gap between your marketing technology solution and your biggest challenge – finding time and resources to manage the solution you deployed. However, if your marketing technology vendor isn’t able to go the extra mile in the trenches to help you realize the full benefits of your marketing technology solution, then it may be time to change vendors. Here are 7 warning signs that something is amiss.

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Tags: MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

The #1 Reason Marketing Technology Implementations Fail

Aug 09, 2012

Just like a new political candidate on the campaign trail, marketing technology solutions make many promises and often don’t deliver. We want to believe in what the solution promises, but the reality is that the solution cannot be decoupled from its environment. If your marketing organization is already stretched thin, marketing technology alone won’t fix that, and you need to understand in advance all of the components required to manage a successful end-to-end marketing technology implementation. Here are some guidelines to help you make your marketing technology fly.

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Tags: MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

How Technology Simplifies Insurance Marketing

Jul 31, 2012

The insurance vertical faces several industry-specific challenges such as long sales cycles as consumers use the Internet to evaluate multiple vendors during pre-purchase, customers typically only buying one or two products from the total portfolio, and agent turnover. Marketing technology systems can help to combat these challenges by simplifying the process of coordinating insurance marketing initiatives with dedicated or independent agents.

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Tags: branding, insurance, marketing campaign, marketing technology, marketing resource management

Marketing’s New Role in Sales Enablement – Part 1

Jul 24, 2012

With more consumers conducting pre-purchase research online, lead nurturing remains an important strategy in maintaining prospect interest during the early stages of the consumer decision journey, while content has gained momentum as an important sales support resource. This new environment creates a new model of collaboration between Sales and Marketing.

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Tags: MRM, marketing strategy, marketing resource management, sales and marketing alignment

How to Ace Your Marketing Technology Implementation

Jul 19, 2012

Just as in the Olympic Games, marketing technology implementations don’t always go as planned. A spectacular dive might be ruined by a big splash on entry, or a rough landing on a triple axis might compromise an otherwise perfect performance. Likewise, marketing technology solutions that seem great at first don’t always deliver. Your ROI could be negated if you end up growing your staff to support the technology or spend more than expected in incremental support costs. Whether searching for a marketing technology solution for the first time or looking to replace a solution that has fallen short, here is a checklist of considerations you need to address up front to avoid marketing technology pitfalls.

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Tags: MRM, marketing technology, marketing resource management, local marketing automation

Marketing’s New Role in Sales Enablement – Part 2, Engaging Sales in Marketing Technology

Jul 16, 2012

In part one of this series, we discussed how marketing resource management systems can be used to enable Sales to demonstrate thought leadership and help nurture leads through to close. In part two, we discuss strategies for getting your distributed sales channels engaged in using marketing technology systems to their full potential.

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Tags: MRM, marketing technology, marketing innovation, marketing resource management, local marketing automation, sales and marketing alignment

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