Create Your Own Formula for Success

Feb 28, 2014

I grew up in Grinnell, Iowa, a small town in the rural Midwest. It’s not exactly the place you would expect to find the most prolific scoring basketball team in the nation. Grinnell College’s run-and-gun offense is considered unorthodox, even chaotic, but it is fun to watch. Grinnell’s record as of February 22nd is 18 wins and 5 losses. In the second game of this season, senior guard Jack Taylor scored 109 points, the third highest in NCAA history in a 173-123 victory over Crossroads College. According to Head Coach David Arseneault’s book titled “The Running Game: A Formula for Success,” his strategy is based on five basic principles:

The team must take at least 100 shots in a game. The goal is to attempt a shot every 12 seconds and try to get the ball back within 10 seconds.

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Tags: branding, marketing, creativity, social media, Customer Acquisition, service, customers, audience, strategy, organizations, relationship-building, loyalty

QR Codes and Customer Acquisition

May 22, 2012

QR codes are the perfect marketing medium to drive new customer acquisition.

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Tags: Marketing Programs, QR Codes, Customer Acquisition

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