In a world where people spend most of their day (including their spare time) using their cell phones and computers, companies have to use different techniques to reach their target market. It’s not about going door-to-door or making 50 calls a day anymore.
Cold calling is outdated. Social media websites have changed the landscape of sales and are becoming a quick replacement for connecting over the phone. Communication via email and social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter (which have millions of user available to connect with) make it easier to reach out to customers. Instead of making multiple calls in one day, it’s much more common for a company to send a message to a company they consider a prospect.
Everything can be organized online. Business cards are nice to have, but most people don’t even use a Rolodex anymore. Instead of paper directories of contact lists flooding a sales representative’s desk, any marketing and sales information can be stored online. Google Drive, iCloud and Dropbox, along with countless other sites, give users the opportunity to manage their files digitally all in one place. Even better, documents can be accessed on-the-go from a mobile device when needed.
Companies can track their success. Companies can now use technology and take a look at their metrics --- traffic to their website/blog, where that traffic is geographically located, how many emails they sent out were opened, etc. Companies can find out what’s working, what isn’t and how successful their company actually is. This change in technology gives companies the chance to see how efficient and successful they are in real time and improve their performance if needed.
Distance no longer matters. The need to be in the same city is not an issue anymore and has been replaced with video chatting. Face-to-face meetings can happen digitally with platforms such as Skype, WebEx and Google Hangouts. What companies can do locally is possible to do anywhere else with the technology available today.
It’s all about who you know. Networking is essential when it comes to sales (or any other part of life). Not only can networking be achieved at in-person events but also online. Social media websites are becoming the No.1 way to connect and keep in contact with professionals and colleagues. When it comes to success, it all boils down to who you know and how you leverage those relationships.
The idea that a salesman drives people through the sales funnel isn’t relevant anymore. Consumers are more empowered and better informed than ever before – they research and consult a wide variety of sources before making purchases. The Internet has a large impact on buyers and the relationships they have with different companies. The bottom line is the world of sales is changing… and at a fast pace. What are you doing to keep up?