Frequently Asked Questions about QR Codes

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What is a QR Code?

A Quick Response Code (QR Code) is a 2-dimensional barcode that is decoded using a barcode scan application on a smart phone. Because a QR Code is 2-dimensional, rather than 1-dimensional, more information can be stored within a QR Code.

What devices are able to scan QR Codes?

Any smart phone with a camera and a barcode scanner app is able to scan and decode a QR Code.

Once the QR Code is scanned and decoded, where does it take the end user?

QR Codes enable people to deliver an engaging and informative experience when viewing their materials. QR Codes can direct end users to a website, text, video, contact information, phone number, email address, text message, or a calendar event.

How do I create a QR Code?

Create a QR Code by utilizing Vya’s Free QR Code Creator. You can choose from Web Address, Email Address, SMS/Phone Number, Plain Text, Business Card, and Scheduled Event. After selecting your QR Code type, enter your information, and click “Update QR Code.” Click “Download this QR Code” to receive a high resolution image file of your QR Code.

Am I able to track my QR Codes?

QR Codes are trackable when referring the end user to a website. Contact Vya today to learn more about how to track the success of your marketing and QR Codes.

Are there best practices when it comes to QR Codes?

  1. Size:

    Because some cameras of mobile devices have trouble focusing on the QR Code, it is important to ensure that the QR Code is large enough to decode. We typically recommend that the QR Code be at least 1.5” square inches. It also important to leave enough white space surrounding the actual QR Code to make certain the mobile device scans and decodes the QR code correctly.
  2. Mobile Friendly:

    Confirm that the location where you are directing end users is mobile friendly. Avoid using JavaScript, Flash, and Silverlight, as they are unavailable on some mobile devices.
  3. Density:

    The less complex the QR Code, the easier it is for mobile devices to scan and decode. You can create low-density QR Codes by entering less information or by entering your information in all caps.

Tags: QR code

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Vya Staff


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